When I was in college a friend told me that when she walked on campus she always stayed on one side of the sidewalk. She said she did this to leave room for God to walk beside her. She also said, during those walks she often talked to God and felt His presence.

We often hear sermons and devotionals about walking with God. This is an expression picturing our ceaseless relationship with the Lord. Walking with God is much more than attending worship or Bible study each week. It is more than an occasional prayer when we are distressed.

Walking with God may mean different things to different people, but surely it is living in the consciousness of God through prayer, Bible reading, and by simply recognizing His presence moment by moment.

The Bible speaks often of those who walked with God. We can do it, too.

Noah was a just man . . . and Noah walked with God. Genesis 6:9 (KJV)

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