When I was growing up my family lived far out in the country where my father was a ranch foreman. He always had to get up early, as is typical of farmers and ranchers, so it had never been the practice of our family to stay up late, even to see in a new year.

But when I was thirteen our family moved into town. I was thrilled when a friend invited me to a New Year’s Eve party, but I didn’t think my dad would approve. But my friend lived only a few houses away, and my parents knew his parents. Mother and Daddy talked it over and gave their approval.

I was excited. This was my first experience with seeing an old year out and a new one in. It was a great feeling when the moment finally came when one year ended and another began. I felt I had seen history in the making.

So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Psalm 90:12 (KJV)

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