Near Alamogordo, New Mexico is an area of more that two hundred square miles known as White Sands. At White Sands there are huge dunes, many as high as thirty feet. Actually, it is not sand at all, but gypsum.

In the center of this area, visitors find picnic tables and restroom facilities. There are, however, no permanent buildings, because everything must be moveable. Picnic shelters and restrooms are built on concrete slabs with steel handles, so they may be moved lest the shifting dunes cover them.

White Sands is fabulously beautiful, but not a place to live. When we build houses we want a foundation of rock—not shifting sands.

Jesus said, a person who refuses to heed His words, is like a man who built his house upon sand. “…And the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell.” Matthew 7:26 (KJV)

Are you building upon rock or sand?

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