I just finished re-reading the book, The Flight of the Phoenix by Sherwood Smith and Dave Trowbridge. This is the story of an airplane that crash-landed in a desert hundreds of miles from civilization. The men on the plane waited days for rescuers to come for them, but no one came.

Finally, one of the men, an aircraft designer, had the idea of building an air-worthy craft using parts of the crashed plane. His idea was to actually fly this rigged-up airplane to safety.

The idea of flying out of the vast desert to safety can be compared to the way God stands ready to lift us up above our enemies, whether these enemies be persons or circumstances. Do we let God lift us above them?

Remember, He is always ready to lift us up and carry us to safety. He delivereth me from mine enemies: yea, thou liftest me up above those that rise up against me. Psalm 18:48

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